Source code for spotlight.evaluation

import numpy as np

import scipy.stats as st

FLOAT_MAX = np.finfo(np.float32).max

[docs]def mrr_score(model, test, train=None): """ Compute mean reciprocal rank (MRR) scores. One score is given for every user with interactions in the test set, representing the mean reciprocal rank of all their test items. Parameters ---------- model: fitted instance of a recommender model The model to evaluate. test: :class:`spotlight.interactions.Interactions` Test interactions. train: :class:`spotlight.interactions.Interactions`, optional Train interactions. If supplied, scores of known interactions will be set to very low values and so not affect the MRR. Returns ------- mrr scores: numpy array of shape (num_users,) Array of MRR scores for each user in test. """ test = test.tocsr() if train is not None: train = train.tocsr() mrrs = [] for user_id, row in enumerate(test): if not len(row.indices): continue predictions = -model.predict(user_id) if train is not None: predictions[train[user_id].indices] = FLOAT_MAX mrr = (1.0 / st.rankdata(predictions)[row.indices]).mean() mrrs.append(mrr) return np.array(mrrs)
[docs]def sequence_mrr_score(model, test, exclude_preceding=False): """ Compute mean reciprocal rank (MRR) scores. Each sequence in test is split into two parts: the first part, containing all but the last elements, is used to predict the last element. The reciprocal rank of the last element is returned for each sequence. Parameters ---------- model: fitted instance of a recommender model The model to evaluate. test: :class:`spotlight.interactions.SequenceInteractions` Test interactions. exclude_preceding: boolean, optional When true, items already present in the sequence will be excluded from evaluation. Returns ------- mrr scores: numpy array of shape (num_users,) Array of MRR scores for each sequence in test. """ sequences = test.sequences[:, :-1] targets = test.sequences[:, -1:] mrrs = [] for i in range(len(sequences)): predictions = -model.predict(sequences[i]) if exclude_preceding: predictions[sequences[i]] = FLOAT_MAX mrr = (1.0 / st.rankdata(predictions)[targets[i]]).mean() mrrs.append(mrr) return np.array(mrrs)
[docs]def sequence_precision_recall_score(model, test, k=10, exclude_preceding=False): """ Compute sequence precision and recall scores. Each sequence in test is split into two parts: the first part, containing all but the last k elements, is used to predict the last k elements. Parameters ---------- model: fitted instance of a recommender model The model to evaluate. test: :class:`spotlight.interactions.SequenceInteractions` Test interactions. exclude_preceding: boolean, optional When true, items already present in the sequence will be excluded from evaluation. Returns ------- mrr scores: numpy array of shape (num_users,) Array of MRR scores for each sequence in test. """ sequences = test.sequences[:, :-k] targets = test.sequences[:, -k:] precision_recalls = [] for i in range(len(sequences)): predictions = -model.predict(sequences[i]) if exclude_preceding: predictions[sequences[i]] = FLOAT_MAX predictions = predictions.argsort()[:k] precision_recall = _get_precision_recall(predictions, targets[i], k) precision_recalls.append(precision_recall) precision = np.array(precision_recalls)[:, 0] recall = np.array(precision_recalls)[:, 1] return precision, recall
def _get_precision_recall(predictions, targets, k): predictions = predictions[:k] num_hit = len(set(predictions).intersection(set(targets))) return float(num_hit) / len(predictions), float(num_hit) / len(targets)
[docs]def precision_recall_score(model, test, train=None, k=10): """ Compute Precision@k and Recall@k scores. One score is given for every user with interactions in the test set, representing the Precision@k and Recall@k of all their test items. Parameters ---------- model: fitted instance of a recommender model The model to evaluate. test: :class:`spotlight.interactions.Interactions` Test interactions. train: :class:`spotlight.interactions.Interactions`, optional Train interactions. If supplied, scores of known interactions will not affect the computed metrics. k: int or array of int, The maximum number of predicted items Returns ------- (Precision@k, Recall@k): numpy array of shape (num_users, len(k)) A tuple of Precisions@k and Recalls@k for each user in test. If k is a scalar, will return a tuple of vectors. If k is an array, will return a tuple of arrays, where each row corresponds to a user and each column corresponds to a value of k. """ test = test.tocsr() if train is not None: train = train.tocsr() if np.isscalar(k): k = np.array([k]) precision = [] recall = [] for user_id, row in enumerate(test): if not len(row.indices): continue predictions = -model.predict(user_id) if train is not None: rated = train[user_id].indices predictions[rated] = FLOAT_MAX predictions = predictions.argsort() targets = row.indices user_precision, user_recall = zip(*[ _get_precision_recall(predictions, targets, x) for x in k ]) precision.append(user_precision) recall.append(user_recall) precision = np.array(precision).squeeze() recall = np.array(recall).squeeze() return precision, recall
[docs]def rmse_score(model, test): """ Compute RMSE score for test interactions. Parameters ---------- model: fitted instance of a recommender model The model to evaluate. test: :class:`spotlight.interactions.Interactions` Test interactions. Returns ------- rmse_score: float The RMSE score. """ predictions = model.predict(test.user_ids, test.item_ids) return np.sqrt(((test.ratings - predictions) ** 2).mean())