Source code for spotlight.losses

Loss functions for recommender models.

The pointwise, BPR, and hinge losses are a good fit for
implicit feedback models trained through negative sampling.

The regression and Poisson losses are used for explicit feedback

import torch

import torch.nn.functional as F

from spotlight.torch_utils import assert_no_grad

[docs]def pointwise_loss(positive_predictions, negative_predictions, mask=None): """ Logistic loss function. Parameters ---------- positive_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for known positive items. negative_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for sampled negative items. mask: tensor, optional A binary tensor used to zero the loss from some entries of the loss tensor. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. """ positives_loss = (1.0 - torch.sigmoid(positive_predictions)) negatives_loss = torch.sigmoid(negative_predictions) loss = (positives_loss + negatives_loss) if mask is not None: mask = mask.float() loss = loss * mask return loss.sum() / mask.sum() return loss.mean()
[docs]def bpr_loss(positive_predictions, negative_predictions, mask=None): """ Bayesian Personalised Ranking [1]_ pairwise loss function. Parameters ---------- positive_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for known positive items. negative_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for sampled negative items. mask: tensor, optional A binary tensor used to zero the loss from some entries of the loss tensor. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. References ---------- .. [1] Rendle, Steffen, et al. "BPR: Bayesian personalized ranking from implicit feedback." Proceedings of the twenty-fifth conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence. AUAI Press, 2009. """ loss = (1.0 - torch.sigmoid(positive_predictions - negative_predictions)) if mask is not None: mask = mask.float() loss = loss * mask return loss.sum() / mask.sum() return loss.mean()
[docs]def hinge_loss(positive_predictions, negative_predictions, mask=None): """ Hinge pairwise loss function. Parameters ---------- positive_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for known positive items. negative_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for sampled negative items. mask: tensor, optional A binary tensor used to zero the loss from some entries of the loss tensor. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. """ loss = torch.clamp(negative_predictions - positive_predictions + 1.0, 0.0) if mask is not None: mask = mask.float() loss = loss * mask return loss.sum() / mask.sum() return loss.mean()
[docs]def adaptive_hinge_loss(positive_predictions, negative_predictions, mask=None): """ Adaptive hinge pairwise loss function. Takes a set of predictions for implicitly negative items, and selects those that are highest, thus sampling those negatives that are closes to violating the ranking implicit in the pattern of user interactions. Approximates the idea of weighted approximate-rank pairwise loss introduced in [2]_ Parameters ---------- positive_predictions: tensor Tensor containing predictions for known positive items. negative_predictions: tensor Iterable of tensors containing predictions for sampled negative items. More tensors increase the likelihood of finding ranking-violating pairs, but risk overfitting. mask: tensor, optional A binary tensor used to zero the loss from some entries of the loss tensor. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. References ---------- .. [2] Weston, Jason, Samy Bengio, and Nicolas Usunier. "Wsabie: Scaling up to large vocabulary image annotation." IJCAI. Vol. 11. 2011. """ highest_negative_predictions, _ = torch.max(negative_predictions, 0) return hinge_loss(positive_predictions, highest_negative_predictions.squeeze(), mask=mask)
[docs]def regression_loss(observed_ratings, predicted_ratings): """ Regression loss. Parameters ---------- observed_ratings: tensor Tensor containing observed ratings. predicted_ratings: tensor Tensor containing rating predictions. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. """ assert_no_grad(observed_ratings) return ((observed_ratings - predicted_ratings) ** 2).mean()
[docs]def poisson_loss(observed_ratings, predicted_ratings): """ Poisson loss. Parameters ---------- observed_ratings: tensor Tensor containing observed ratings. predicted_ratings: tensor Tensor containing rating predictions. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. """ assert_no_grad(observed_ratings) return (predicted_ratings - observed_ratings * torch.log(predicted_ratings)).mean()
[docs]def logistic_loss(observed_ratings, predicted_ratings): """ Logistic loss for explicit data. Parameters ---------- observed_ratings: tensor Tensor containing observed ratings which should be +1 or -1 for this loss function. predicted_ratings: tensor Tensor containing rating predictions. Returns ------- loss, float The mean value of the loss function. """ assert_no_grad(observed_ratings) # Convert target classes from (-1, 1) to (0, 1) observed_ratings = torch.clamp(observed_ratings, 0, 1) return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(predicted_ratings, observed_ratings, size_average=True)